How Mega-Net HospitalPro Supports Paperless Hospital

Mega-Net HospitalPro is an Hospital Management Information Software. We would be taking a look at how Mega-Net HospitalPro supports paperless hospital.

The intrinsic movement of patients files from one department to another when patients visits the hospital for medical purpose can be handled electronically by Mega-Net HospitalPro. This is one of the major reasons why it was developed in the first place.

Here is how:

Front Office: Patient walks into the Front Office of the hospital and demands to see a doctor. If he is a new patient he gets Registered by the Front Office or for an old patient a Search and Locate a Patient File operation is done and a notification is sent to the Nurses Bay about this patient, indicating
which Doctor to attend to him/her. This is done for every patient. Simple steps to achieve this:

1. Register New Patients (Bio-Data Form)
2. Search and Locate a Patient File (Bio-Data Form)
3. While selecting the patient record click “Send To Nurses Bay” button.
4. That is it! The patient notification and directives are sent to Nurses Bay

Nurses Bay: Nurses at the Nurses Bay checks the list of patient notifications using “Browse Patient Waiting For Nurses Bay Services” sent from the Front Office and attends to the patients in logical order. Nurses takes patient vital signs and sends this information to the Doctor, along with a notification about the patient.

Doctor(s): Doctors are able to see notifications and files sent to them from the Nurses Bay about the patients. After further investigations the doctor could either send the patients Notifications and directives to the Billing, Laboratory, Radiology, Admission, Pharmacy office using the “Browse Patient Waiting For Doctors Services”. These Departments are able to see the Doctors notifications and directive using their respective “Browse Patient Waiting For … Services”.

Billing: Notifications and directives are usually sent from the Doctors to the Billing Office, so patients can pay their bills.

Laboratory: Notifications and directives are usually sent from the Doctors to the Laboratory for further investigations.

Radiology: Notifications and directives are usually sent from the Doctors to the Radiology for further investigations.

Admission: Notifications and directive are usually sent from the Doctors to the Admission for closer observations and investigations.

Pharmacy: Notifications and directive are usually sent from the Doctors to the Pharmacy for medications.

All activities at Billing, Laboratory, Radiology, Admission, Pharmacy offices are easily accessed by the Doctors.

Let me know if you have any questions.

— Fredrick Ughimi (Twitter: @FredrickUghimi)–


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